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London’s Underground Maze

Taxi Transfer to the Chislehurst Caves

As a tourist in London, you will probably be interested in seeing its well known symbols: The double decker, the red telephone booth, London Bridge and so on. There is no doubt that London has its particlar features and therefore,

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10 free activities that you could do in London – Part 2

Taxi Transfer to Trafalgar Square

We return with the second part of the article we published last week, regarding the 10 free activities that you could do while visiting London. If in the first part of the article we talked about visiting free of charge

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10 free activities that you could do in London – Part 1

Free Attractions in London

If you haven’t visited London so far, we can tell you that the British metropolis is definitely worth being discovered during summertime. Unfortunately, London has a reputation of being quite an expensive city and a mini-vacation here could easily leave

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London’s Taxis and Minicabs

London Taxis and Minicabs

London’s Taxis and Minicabs London is widely known for its black cabs, which are a symbol for the British capital city. They’re also known as the Hackney carriages and they can be taken from the taxi ranks or hailed in

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